Contact Us

For bookings you can email your local pet sitter directly. To find out which pet sitter covers your area have a look at the map below and check which region you are within. Click here to see the map on Google Maps, where you can also search for your address. You can then either click on that region to bring up the name and contact details of your local pet sitter, or you can check the list under the map. Email is our preferred contact method for bookings.

Click here to view our service area on Google maps 

Moth baby kitten

Perth Pet Sitters:

Louise: red (south): 0466 592 461

Fiona: green (north): 0488 637 058

Charlotte: purple (south east): 0404 776 939

Liza: yellow (west): 0451 941 914

For general enquiries you can email us on or call Louise on 0466 592 461. Our postal address can be supplied on request.

If you live just outside our coverage area it may still be worth contacting us as adjacent sitters may be available, however additional charges are likely to apply for the extra travel.

We attempt to respond to all emails within 24 hours; if you don't hear back from us in a timely manner, please check your junk email folder or give us a call.

Find us on Facebook

Paypal payments can be sent to, though please add 2.5% to the quote to cover Paypal's fees. Alternatively you can pay via bank transfer or cash for no additional fees; ask your pet sitter for details.